Pseudogene Information:
Pseudogene Accession Number:
Pseudogene Name: ENSPTRP00000006596.Chimp.chr13.mb02
Pseudogene Location: chr13:19079069-19080326
Protein Accession Number:ENSPTRP00000006596
Protein Name:ENSPTRP00000006596
Gene ID:ENSPTRG00000003833
UCSC Browser:Click here


Pseudogene Accession Number: The pseudogene accession number (as assigned by the pseudogenes database)
Pseudogene Name: The pseudogene name (as assigned by the pseuogenes database)
Protein Accession Number: Accesion number of the generating protein (as assigned by the SwissProt or Ensabmle database)
Pseudogene Location: The chromosome the pseudogene locates and its start/stop coordinates on the chromosome
Protein Coordinates: Start/stop coordinates of the generating fragment of the protein (numbered from 1)
E-value: The e-value of the sequence match to the generating protein
Amino Acid Identity: The precentage of conserved amino acids in the protein/pseudogene alignment