#!/usr/bin/perl use CGI qw(:standard); use DBI; require aaplot; require chi; #------------------MAIN EXECUTABLE SECTION IF CALLED WITH PARAMETERS-------- if(param("plot1") eq "on"){ &getParams(); $usestop = "off"; $count = 20; if(param("usestop") eq "on"){ $usestop = "on"; $count = 21; } my @table = &retrieve($sql_query); my @sorted = (); my @distance = (); #--------------------DISTANCE MATRIX------------------------------- for $i (0 ... $#table){ $legend[$i] = $table[$i][0] . " " . $table[$i][2] . " " . $table[$i][1]; for $j (0 ... $#table){ if ($i != $j) { $sum = 0; for $k (4 ... ($count + 3)) { $sum += (($table[$i][$k] - $table[$j][$k]) ** 2); } $distance[$i][$j] = sqrt($sum); } else { $distance[$i][$j] = 0; } } } #--------------------TABLE REARRANGEMENT FOR SORTED SETS----------- if(param("presort") eq "on"){ @sortrow = (); @keys = (); # Identify which row in table is the first on the form (i.e. sortby row) $org = param("org1"); $chr = param("chr1"); $feature = param("type1"); for $i (0 ... $#table){ if(($table[$i][0] eq $org) && ($table[$i][1] eq $chr) && ($table[$i][2] eq $feature)){ $sortby = $i; last; } } for $k (4 ... 24){ push(@unsorted, $table[$sortby][$k]); } @sorted = sort numerically(@unsorted); for $k (0 ... 20){ for $n (0 ... 20){ # Notice I put in an extra test; this is necessary # when two residues have the same composition- which # to my great surprise is the case with one of the # pseudogene sets if(($sorted[$n] == $unsorted[$k]) && ($keys[$n - 1] != $k)){ $keys[$n] = $k; last; } } } } else{ for $k (0 ... 20){ $keys[$k] = $k; } } #--------------------SPREAD---------------------------------------- for $k (4 ... 24){ $min = 1; $max = 0; for $i (0 ... $#table){ $temp[$k - 4] += $table[$i][$k]; if($table[$i][$k] > $max){ $max = $table[$i][$k]; } if($table[$i][$k] < $min){ $min = $table[$i][$k]; } } $nextavg = $temp[$k - 4] / ($#table + 1); $avg[$k - 4] = sprintf("%1.3lf", $nextavg); $sum = 0; for $i (0 ... $#table){ $sum += ($table[$i][$k] - $avg[$k - 4])**2; } $newdev = sqrt($sum / ($#table + 1)); $stddev[$k - 4] = sprintf("%1.3lf", $newdev); $nextspread = 0; if($avg[$k - 4] > 0){ $nextspread = $newdev / $avg[$k - 4]; } $spread[$k - 4] = sprintf("%1.3lf", $nextspread); $nextrange = 0; if($avg[$k - 4] > 0){ $nextrange = (($max - $min) / $avg[$k - 4]); } $range[$k - 4] = sprintf("%1.3lf", $nextrange); } ################################################################### #-------------------HTML OUTPUT-----------------------------------# ################################################################### &cleanLegend; print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print " Amino Acid Frequencies "; #---------------STATISTICS TABLE----------------------------------- &headerRow; for $i (0 ... $#table){ $type = $table[$i][0]; if($type ne "human" && $type ne "worm" && $type ne "fly" && $type ne "yeast"){ $type = "bact"; } print " $legend[$i] $table[$i][3] "; my @stats = (); my %tdcolors = (); for $j (4 ... 24){ push(@stats, $table[$i][$j]); } $k = 0; foreach $freq (@listed = sort numerically @stats){ $freq = sprintf("%1.3lf", $freq); $tdcolors{$freq} = $colors[$k++]; } for $k (0 ... 20){ $freq = sprintf("%1.3lf", $stats[$keys[$k]]); print " $freq \n"; } print ""; } #------------------Printout of average and spread rows------------------- #Mean $k = 0; foreach $average (@listed = sort numerically @avg){ $tdcolors{$average} = $colors[$k++]; } print " Mean  "; for $k (0 ... 20){ print " $avg[$keys[$k]] \n"; } #Standard deviation $k = 0; foreach $devval (@listed = sort numerically @stddev){ $tdcolors{$devval} = $colors[$k++]; } print " Std. Dev.  \n\n"; for $k (0 ... 20){ print " $stddev[$keys[$k]] \n"; } print "\n"; # Scaled deviation (spread) $k = 0; foreach $spreadval (@listed = sort numerically @spread){ $tdcolors{$spreadval} = $colors[$k++]; } print " stddev / mean  \n"; for $k (0 ... 20){ print " $spread[$keys[$k]] \n"; } print "\n"; # Scaled range $k = 0; foreach $rangeval (@listed = sort numerically @range){ $tdcolors{$rangeval} = $colors[$k++]; } print " range / mean  \n"; for $k (0 ... 20){ print " $range[$keys[$k]] \n"; } print "\n"; #--------------END OF RESIDUE DATA TABLE------------------------- # Distance matrix display print "

Distance Matrix

\n"; for $i (0 ... $#table){ print " \n"; } print "\n"; #Distance matrix for $i (0 ... $#table){ print " \n"; for $j (0 ... $#table){ if ($distance[$i][$j] == 0) { $d = "-"; } else { $d = (sprintf("%1.4f", $distance[$i][$j]) * 100) . "%"; } print " \n"; } print "\n"; } #Call other scripts to draw images print "
$legend[$i] $d
"; if(param("spreadsort") eq "on"){ print "
"; } elsif(param("presort") eq "on"){ print "
"; } else{ print "
"; } print "
"; } #------------------NO PARAMETERS (default)---------------------------------- elsif( !(param()) || !(param("plot1"))){ &defaultPage; } #------------------SUBROUTINES---------------------------------------------- sub numerically { $b <=> $a; } sub cleanLegend { for $i (0 ... $#legend){ $legend[$i] =~ s/\ gene/\ genes/; $legend[$i] =~ s/\ pseudo/\ pseudogenes/; $legend[$i] =~ s/\ homol/\ homologies/; $legend[$i] =~ s/\ chr/\ chromosomes/; if($legend[$i] =~ /\ all/){ $legend[$i] =~ s/\ all//; $legend[$i] .= " (all chrs.)"; } else{ $chrnum = $legend[$i]; $legend[$i] =~ s/\ \w*$//; $chrnum =~ s/.*\ //g; $chrnum = "Chr. $chrnum"; $legend[$i] .= ", $chrnum"; } } } # Query parsing section sub getParams { $sql_query = "SELECT * FROM aa WHERE "; if(param("plot1") eq "on"){ $org1 = param("org1"); $chr1 = param("chr1"); $type1 = param("type1"); $query_string .= "&plot1=" . param("org1") . "." . param("chr1") . "." . param("type1"); $sql_query .= " ( org = '$org1' AND feature = '$type1' AND chromosome = '$chr1')"; } if(param("plot2") eq "on"){ $org2 = param("org2"); $chr2 = param("chr2"); $type2 = param("type2"); $query_string .= "&plot2=" . param("org2") . "." . param("chr2") . "." . param("type2"); $sql_query .= " OR ( org = '$org2' AND feature = '$type2' AND chromosome = '$chr2')"; } if(param("plot3") eq "on"){ $org3 = param("org3"); $chr3 = param("chr3"); $type3 = param("type3"); $query_string .= "&plot3=" . param("org3") . "." . param("chr3") . "." . param("type3"); $sql_query .= " OR ( org = '$org3' AND feature = '$type3' AND chromosome = '$chr3')"; } if(param("plot4") eq "on"){ $org4 = param("org4"); $chr4 = param("chr4"); $type4 = param("type4"); $query_string .= "&plot4=" . param("org4") . "." . param("chr4") . "." . param("type4"); $sql_query .= " OR ( org = '$org4' AND feature = '$type4' AND chromosome = '$chr4')"; } if(param("plot5") eq "on"){ $chr5 = param("chr5"); $org5 = param("org5"); $type5 = param("type5"); $query_string .= "&plot5=" . param("org5") . "." . param("chr5") . "." . param("type5"); $sql_query .= " OR ( org = '$org5' AND feature = '$type5' AND chromosome = '$chr5')"; } if(param("plot6") eq "on"){ $org6 = param("org6"); $chr6 = param("chr6"); $type6 = param("type6"); $query_string .= "&plot6=" . param("org6") . "." . param("chr6") . "." . param("type6"); $sql_query .= " OR ( org = '$org6' AND feature = '$type6' AND chromosome = '$chr6')"; } if(!($size = param("size"))){ $size = 20; } $query_string .= "&size=$size"; } sub headerRow { if(param("presort") eq "on"){ print "

Plotted data (sorted by $org1 $type1, chr. $chr1)

"; } else{ print "

Plotted data (unsorted)

"; } print " "; } # Index page, displayed when executed without parameters sub defaultPage { print header(), start_html("Comparative Residue Frequency"); print body({-bgcolor=>'white', -link=>'#004600', -vlink=>'#7A0000'}, h2("Amino Acid Composition Statistics for Completed Genomes"), h4("[ Sequence and database dumps available here ]"), h4("Select features to plot: [ Alternate human-only browser ]"), start_form({-method=>'POST'}), table({-bgcolor=>'#E2E2E2', -cellspacing=>'2', -cellpadding=>'2', -cols=>'2', -width=>'820', -border=>'0'}, # Careful! The layout is 1,4,2,5,3,6 as printed here. Tr(td( font({-face=>'arial, Helvetica, sans-serif', -size=>'1'}, input({-type=>'checkbox', -name=>'plot1', -value=>'on'}, b("1.")), b("Organism: "), popup_menu(-name=>'org1', -values=>['human', 'fly', 'worm', 'yeast', '--', 'Mlep', 'aero','aful','aquae','bbur','bhal','bsub', 'buch','cjej','cpneu','ctra','dra','ecoli', 'hbsp','hinf','hpyl','llact','mgen','mjan', 'mpneu','mthe','mtub','nmen','pabyssi', 'paer','pmul','pyro','rpxx','synecho', 'tacid','tmar','tpal','uure','vcho','xfas'], -default=>'human'), b("Chromosome: "), popup_menu(-name=>'chr1', -values=>['1','2','3','4','5','6','--','7','8', '9','10','11','12','13','14','15','16', '--','21','22','--','2L','2R','3L','3R', '4','--','X', 'all'], -default=>'all'), b("Feature: "), popup_menu(-name=>'type1', -values=>['chr', 'gene', 'homol', 'pseudo'], -default=>'gene'), )), td( font({-face=>'arial, Helvetica, sans-serif', -size=>'1'}, input({-type=>'checkbox', -name=>'plot4', -value=>'on'}, b("4.")), b("Organism: "), popup_menu(-name=>'org4', -values=>['human', 'fly', 'worm', 'yeast', '--', 'Mlep', 'aero','aful','aquae','bbur','bhal','bsub', 'buch','cjej','cpneu','ctra','dra','ecoli', 'hbsp','hinf','hpyl','llact','mgen','mjan', 'mpneu','mthe','mtub','nmen','pabyssi', 'paer','pmul','pyro','rpxx','synecho', 'tacid','tmar','tpal','uure','vcho','xfas'], -default=>'yeast'), b("Chromosome: "), popup_menu(-name=>'chr4', -values=>['1','2','3','4','5','6','--','7','8', '9','10','11','12','13','14','15','16', '--','21','22','--','2L','2R','3L','3R', '4','--','X', 'all'], -default=>'all'), b("Feature: "), popup_menu(-name=>'type4', -values=>['chr', 'gene', 'homol', 'pseudo'], -default=>'gene'), ))), Tr(td( font({-face=>'arial, Helvetica, sans-serif', -size=>'1'}, input({-type=>'checkbox', -name=>'plot2', -value=>'on'}, b("2.")), b("Organism: "), popup_menu(-name=>'org2', -values=>['human', 'fly', 'worm', 'yeast', '--', 'Mlep', 'aero','aful','aquae','bbur','bhal','bsub', 'buch','cjej','cpneu','ctra','dra','ecoli', 'hbsp','hinf','hpyl','llact','mgen','mjan', 'mpneu','mthe','mtub','nmen','pabyssi', 'paer','pmul','pyro','rpxx','synecho', 'tacid','tmar','tpal','uure','vcho','xfas'], -default=>'fly'), b("Chromosome: "), popup_menu(-name=>'chr2', -values=>['1','2','3','4','5','6','--','7','8', '9','10','11','12','13','14','15','16', '--','21','22','--','2L','2R','3L','3R', '4','--','X', 'all'], -default=>'all'), b("Feature: "), popup_menu(-name=>'type2', -values=>['chr', 'gene', 'homol', 'pseudo'], -default=>'gene'), )), td( font({-face=>'arial, Helvetica, sans-serif', -size=>'1'}, input({-type=>'checkbox', -name=>'plot5', -value=>'on'}, b("5.")), b("Organism: "), popup_menu(-name=>'org5', -values=>['human', 'fly', 'worm', 'yeast', '--', 'Mlep', 'aero','aful','aquae','bbur','bhal','bsub', 'buch','cjej','cpneu','ctra','dra','ecoli', 'hbsp','hinf','hpyl','llact','mgen','mjan', 'mpneu','mthe','mtub','nmen','pabyssi', 'paer','pmul','pyro','rpxx','synecho', 'tacid','tmar','tpal','uure','vcho','xfas'], -default=>'yeast'), b("Chromosome: "), popup_menu(-name=>'chr5', -values=>['1','2','3','4','5','6','--','7','8', '9','10','11','12','13','14','15','16', '--','21','22','--','2L','2R','3L','3R', '4','--','X', 'all'], -default=>'all'), b("Feature: "), popup_menu(-name=>'type5', -values=>['chr', 'gene', 'homol', 'pseudo'], -default=>'gene'), ))), Tr(td( font({-face=>'arial, Helvetica, sans-serif', -size=>'1'}, input({-type=>'checkbox', -name=>'plot3', -value=>'on'}, b("3.")), b("Organism: "), popup_menu(-name=>'org3', -values=>['human', 'fly', 'worm', 'yeast', '--', 'Mlep', 'aero','aful','aquae','bbur','bhal','bsub', 'buch','cjej','cpneu','ctra','dra','ecoli', 'hbsp','hinf','hpyl','llact','mgen','mjan', 'mpneu','mthe','mtub','nmen','pabyssi', 'paer','pmul','pyro','rpxx','synecho', 'tacid','tmar','tpal','uure','vcho','xfas'], -default=>'worm'), b("Chromosome: "), popup_menu(-name=>'chr3', -values=>['1','2','3','4','5','6','--','7','8', '9','10','11','12','13','14','15','16', '--','21','22','--','2L','2R','3L','3R', '4','--','X', 'all'], -default=>'all'), b("Feature: "), popup_menu(-name=>'type3', -values=>['chr', 'gene', 'homol', 'pseudo'], -default=>'gene'), )), td( font({-face=>'arial, Helvetica, sans-serif', -size=>'1'}, input({-type=>'checkbox', -name=>'plot6', -value=>'on'}, b("6.")), b("Organism: "), popup_menu(-name=>'org6', -values=>['human', 'fly', 'worm', 'yeast', '--', 'Mlep', 'aero','aful','aquae','bbur','bhal','bsub', 'buch','cjej','cpneu','ctra','dra','ecoli', 'hbsp','hinf','hpyl','llact','mgen','mjan', 'mpneu','mthe','mtub','nmen','pabyssi', 'paer','pmul','pyro','rpxx','synecho', 'tacid','tmar','tpal','uure','vcho','xfas'], -default=>'yeast'), b("Chromosome: "), popup_menu(-name=>'chr6', -values=>['1','2','3','4','5','6','--','7','8', '9','10','11','12','13','14','15','16', '--','21','22','--','2L','2R','3L','3R', '4','--','X', 'all'], -default=>'all'), b("Feature: "), popup_menu(-name=>'type6', -values=>['chr', 'gene', 'homol', 'pseudo'], -default=>'gene'), ))), Tr(td({-colspan=>'2'}, font({-face=>'arial, Helvetica, sans-serif', -size=>'2'}, "Plot Size: ", popup_menu(-name=>'size', -values=>['20', '25', '30', '40'], -labels=>{'20'=>'small (460x300)', '25'=>'medium (565x360)', '30'=>'large (670x420)', '40'=>'HUGE (880x540)'}, -default=>'460x300'), input({-type=>'checkbox', -value=>'on', -name=>'presort'}, b("Sort frequencies by first set")), input({-type=>'checkbox', -value=>'on', -name=>'usestop'}, b("Use stop codons in dist. matrix")), submit("Plot Values"), reset(), br(), blockquote( b("Example with default selection:"), br(), img({-src=>'./chart.cgi', -border=>'0'})))))), hr(), table({-width=>'640'}, Tr(td( font({-face=>'arial, Helvetica, sans-serif', -size=>'2'}, "Not all chromosomes and features can be used with all organisms.", "Until I get a better knowledge of JavaScript, this page will detect", "type mismatches manually."))))); print end_html(); }
Feature Residues $residues[$keys[0]] $residues[$keys[1]] $residues[$keys[2]] $residues[$keys[3]] $residues[$keys[4]] $residues[$keys[5]] $residues[$keys[6]] $residues[$keys[7]] $residues[$keys[8]] $residues[$keys[9]] $residues[$keys[10]] $residues[$keys[11]] $residues[$keys[12]] $residues[$keys[13]] $residues[$keys[14]] $residues[$keys[15]] $residues[$keys[16]] $residues[$keys[17]] $residues[$keys[18]] $residues[$keys[19]] $residues[$keys[20]]